Hope and Fear

Hope and Fear

Hope and fear are both infectious and include anticipation of a possible outcome. “You will cease to fear if you cease to hope” (Seneca) You cannot hope for something without also fearing that it may not happen, it’s the same for any uncertainty. How you...
Motivation To Learn and Change

Motivation To Learn and Change

When motivation is high, taking action can be easy. Whether you want to lose weight, reduce your stress levels or learn a new skill, getting started is less of a problem for most people. Our body and mind provide us with notifications when we reach our heaviest...
Take control of your habits

Take control of your habits

Think about the last goal you had, why did you stop working on it? Did you get bored or distracted? Many people say lack of time, maybe work or family commitments as the reason for stopping, but most of us have these challenges, so why is it so hard to stay focused?...
6 Lessons From The Garden To Take Back To The Gym

6 Lessons From The Garden To Take Back To The Gym

Most of us have to make do with an imperfect environment when training at home. A bumpy back garden, a creaky old bike, rusty equipment and a limited selection of weights, bars or kettle bells- if you’re lucky. It can be a pain to get everything out (from behind...
Do you choose productivity over health?

Do you choose productivity over health?

There is no ignoring the fact that how you feel is reflected in your body language, the way you hold yourself and how you interact. And there’s no doubt that how you feel physically impacts on your state of mind. Think about a time when you suffered an injury or...
Are you seeing the results that you want?

Are you seeing the results that you want?

Are you seeing the results that you want?   Or are your eating habits keeping your goals just out of reach?  So many people work hard in the gym, but don’t achieve the results that they deserve because of their mindset and habits related to food. How are yours?   Do...